Open Ballots Party -- pledge of support submitting this form, YOU PROMISE TO VOTE FOR WHICHEVER CANDIDATE IS ENDORSED BY THE OPEN BALLOTS PARTY in the 2024 U.S. Presidential Election.

we will use these signatures to negotiate with the major parties to allow Open Ballots (vote for AS MANY CANDIDATES AS YOU WANT), which gives third parties a chance to actually win elections.  We are all going to vote in a group, and offer our votes to whichever party can promise to open the ballots in more of their states.

for our negotiations to be credible, you must really be willing to vote for either major party, so don't sign unless you will follow through!

we will keep your signature confidential and Not Reveal Your Info to ANYONE 
we will only use the Contact Info you provide to
1) confirm you are real & unique, and
2) announce our endorsement the day before the election

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Name *
State *
bonus question (optional, for our internal data only): 
How do you typically lean, politically?
I Promise to Vote for whoever the Open Ballots Party endorses for president. *
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